
444 results found, Show results 1 - 25

sarfaraj alam about  Madhur Kathayen - Hindi Magazine:
Dec 16, 2013
I like this magazine very much. Reading this magazine since many years.
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SHAILESH RANGANI about  Navneet Latest General Knowledge 2021:
Mar 23, 2015
General knowledge (GK) best book in Gujarati
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Milan Rajput about  Aghor Nagara Vage 1 - 2:
Sep 13, 2015
હર હર મહાદેવ ,

શ્રી મોહનભાઇ અગ્રવાલજી ને મારા વંદન સાથે ખુબ ખુબ ખુબ ધન્યવાદ કે જેમણે જગતની મહાન પ્રાચીનતમ એવી ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિના ધરોહર તેમજ ગુપ્તવિધાઓ,તંત્ર,શાસ્ત્રો,વેદો,ઉપનિષદોમાં અવ્વલ દરજાના પારંગત તેમજ દૂષ્ટોથી(પોતાના સ્વાર્થ માટે દુરુપયોગ કરનાર) આ મહાન ગુપ્તવિદ્યા,સાધનાઓનુ રક્ષણ કરનારા સિધ્ધ મહાજ્ઞાની પુરુષો સાથેનો, અકલ્પનીય,રોમાંચક અને ભૌગોલિક સુખમાં રાચનારા લોકોથી અજાણ એવા અકલ્પિત પોતાના અવિસ્મરણીય અનુભવ લોકો સમક્ષ રજૂ કરવા બદલ.
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May 17, 2013
This magazine we are reading from last 25 years. This can be read by anyone of your family member. I wish that every Gujarati has to read this magazine.
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Bharati Vala about  Priyajan:
Jan 4, 2021
1995/96મા પ્રિયજન વાંચેલું આજે પણ એટલુજ ગમેછે
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yagnik parmar about  Sandesh Panchang:
Jun 16, 2016
Best Gujarati panchang
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neelendra about  Madhur Kathayen - Hindi Magazine:
Oct 24, 2013
very nice and true story
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ILA R THAKAR about  Best Seller Books of Ashwini Bhatt:
Jul 5, 2016
Ashwini Bhatt is a bold writer, he narrate each situation in such a way that we realized that we r there and looking the clmax, his ladies characters are dominent like Shakespeare`s play heroine. No one author like Ashwini Bhatt in thriller writing novels in Gujarati. Naturally his novels are best sellers for ever.
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Chavda Mahavirsinh about  Gujaratma Chavda Vanshna Rajviyo No Itihas:
Jul 13, 2016
Must read book for all Chavda
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siddiqbharuchee about  Akhand Anand - Gujarati Magazine:
Dec 25, 2013
One of the best and popular gujarati magazine who r thinking and wast reading gujarati language.Their poems,ghazal,story,history,and so many sections in it. When I saw it ,and get ready to read.
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Nov 25, 2014
I was reading Jankalyan for many year from childhood. First in Mumbai then in Baroda.
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Vijaysinh parmar about  Best Seller Books of Ashwini Bhatt:
Aug 14, 2018
If you read any one of ashwini bhatts book ,
Friends i am sure that you will 100% read all . My favorite
I read it 3 to 4 time U must read it first
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Jagruti Patel about  JSK Jai Shree Krishna:
May 28, 2014
Awesome book,....I have come to know so many things abt krishna and with different perspective....
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Mehul Trivedi about  Gebi Girnar:
Jun 7, 2016
It's a mind blowing book. When i read i feel that i am also present at that place with raval saheb and enjoying each and every moments of that virtual world. I will more attract to GIRNAR. And i become more hungry to know about THE GEBI GIRNAR. once you started to read, you become more hungry to know that what happens next what happens next. You forgot the time once you started to read. Friends it's my personal experience so choice is yours that
to believe or not.
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Dec 29, 2012
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I like this movie very much... જોવા જેવું ગુજરાતી મૂવી છે.
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Feb 6, 2014
I have been reading this magazine for last 44 years. It is very good. All gujarati people who can read gujarati should read this magazine.
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Krunalsinh Sudhirsinh Bihola about  Samant Sinh Bihola 1-2:
Sep 9, 2014
Wow what story...nice to read
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kundan dhanani about  Aghor Nagara Vage 1 - 2:
Jun 30, 2015
આ બૂકનુ વાચન કર્યા બાદ ખુબ જ આનંદ થયો. શિધ યોગીઓ ની ક્યારેય ના જાણેલી વાતોનો ખ્યાલ થયો અને તેમ્ના પ્રત્યેનો અભિગમ જ બદ્લઇ ગ્યો.....ખુબ જ રોમનચક અનુભવ.......જિવન મા ખરેખર વાંચ્વા લાયક પુસ્તક.....
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Nov 12, 2013
i am watching this book
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Bhavika about  Prernani Patwar:
Jan 23, 2014
prenani patwar is EXILLENT book !

આ બૂકની સ્ટોરી મને માણસ તરીકે ઉમદા જીવન જીવવાનું શીખવે છે.
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Sep 30, 2014
nice book...Every one should read this book
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sirali about  Sandesh Panchang:
Nov 30, 2020
pl..provide Soft (PDF) & Hard copy of sandesh panchang
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Saumil Halsore about  Aghor Nagara Vage 1 - 2:
Dec 23, 2013
Very amazing book...completed in one sitting
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Peiyem Mehta about  Pot Potani Pankhar (Part1-2):
Apr 5, 2014
Sticky situation for me....I could't close the Book....
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Ektadholariya about  Harkisan Mehta's whole set:
Apr 16, 2014
Atelli interesting che k ark vakhat book vanchva mate hath ma laia to puri na thay Tya shudhi santi na thay. N uh to ark j divs ma akhi book puri krine j ubhi that chu
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